SHOCKER!!! See how a nunny was caught on camera carelessly mistreating a child.

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                                 nanny hell

If you thought that it was over for rogue house girls after the numerous exposes in the past, then you will be shockingly amazed to find out that they still exist. The million dollar question is ‘Where is their humanity?’
In the latest expose, a family in Ngong road decided to share the sad experience their child went through under the care of a house help.
According to Mary Wanjiku, she became suspicious when she noticed her child’s uncalled for cries during the night and then settled for installing a CCTV  camera in the sitting room in order to monitor the nanny’s movements when left behind with the toddler.
In the video clip recorded by the secret camera the nanny is busy going about her job in the kitchen as the child is in the sitting room dangerously placed in on a high sofa set and loudly crying.
The nanny ignores his cry and the child later drops from the seat with his head landing first on the tiled floor and what he gets is a beating from the elderly and mature looking house help.

After the whole ordeal the family settled for sucking the nanny and did not press charges on her for the uncouth treatment on their child but settled for an expose in a bid to save another family’s child from undergoing such mistreatment.

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