Parliamentarians are clear on type of education for Kenyans

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The Kenyan Vision 2030 identified education as a key driver for sustainable development. To attain this, Vision 2030 recommended that an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Policy be developed and curriculum at all levels be reoriented to address ESD.
This activity was to be spearheaded by Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources while NEMA provided technical leadership in collaboration with other stakeholders.
The ESD Policy development was quite lengthy and was overseen by the National ESD Taskforce, Environment Policy Development Secretariat (EPDS) and NEMA through consultative activities such as
1. Multisectoral and multidisciplinary stakeholder meetings
2. Sectoral policy formulation workshops for various ministries and departments
3. Review of other policies
4. Validation at regional and one national workshop
5. Adoption by the National Environment Council
6. Cabinet Approval
7. Approval by the National Assembly in November 2015
The Kenya ESD policy statements are guided by the 4 objectives of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) namely
1. Improve quality of education at all levels for sustainable development
2. Reorient education at all levels for sustainable development
3. Enhance public understanding and awareness of sustainable development
4. Build capacity for sustainable development
The objectives, policy statement and strategies for implementing ESD captured in the ESD Policy document are as follows
Objective 1: To improve the quality of education at all levels for sustainable development
Policy Statement: The government and stakeholders shall mainstream ESD in all teaching and learning processes.
1. Strengthening and realigning the ESD coordinating institutions.
2. Improve methods of teaching and learning
3. Promote acquisition of innovative and creative skills
4. Integrate positive indigenous knowledge and practices that promote achievement of ESD
5. Promote acquisition of relevant competencies for national and global citizenship
6. Develop and operationalise appropriate local training programmes
7. Encourage linkages and exchange programmes with best practices among stakeholders.
8. Recognize, document and disseminate local innovations
Objective 2: Re-orientation of education at all levels for sustainable development
Policy Statement: The government and stakeholders to review and implement curricula so as to address ESD concerns.
1. Review existing curricula to address ESD concerns
2. Ensure curriculum content allows for local relevance and cultural appropriateness
3. Promote flexible curriculum frameworks to facilitate entry, exit and continuous learning
4. Promote practical (hands on) teaching.
Objective 3: Enhancing public understanding and awareness on ESD
Policy statement: The Government and stakeholders shall promote public understanding and awareness of education for sustainable development.
1. Sensitize the public at all levels on education for sustainable development.
2. Establish and strengthen Regional Centers of Expertise
3. Promote public participation in activities relevant to ESD
4. Mainstream ESD activities in all exhibitions and trade fairs
5. Promote production of relevant public education and awareness materials on ESD.
6. Integrate in all awareness programmes, positive indigenous knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices that promote social development and economic empowerment
Objective 4:To build capacity within the country for sustainable development.
Policy statement: The Government and stakeholders shall promote life-long learning within all contexts.
1. Establish regional centers of expertise for training and capacity building
2. Strengthen ESD implementing institutions
3. Promote research in ESD and outreach
4. Mobilize resources to support ESD capacity building at all levels
5. Establish and utilize ICT platforms for capacity building
6. Promote and share ESD best practices
1. What institution do you normally relate with such as school, religious institution, place of work etc?
2. Which strategies can you implement in that institution?
3. What activities could you easily undertake?

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